Title IX & Athletic Participation
Title IX requires schools that offer athletic programs to accommodate effectively the interests and abilities of students to the extent necessary to provide equal opportunity in the selection of sports and levels of competition available to members of both sexes. Each year, the district prepares an Athletic Participation Report as part of Title IX requirements.
Read the 2021-2022 Athletic Participation Report
Read the 2020-2021 Athletic Participation Report
The Title IX Coordinators serve as the grievance officers and coordinate the district’s efforts to comply with and carry out responsibilities under Title IX, including any complaint under Title IX. They are vested with the authority to and responsibility for investigating all sexual harassment complaints in accordance with the procedures set forth in the accompanying regulation and staff and student handbooks. Any investigatory responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator may be delegated to a designee trained in the Title IX compliance and procedures.
Ottawa Hills Jr./Sr. High School’s Title IX Coordinators:
Dr. Adam Fineske
- Title: Superintendent of Ottawa Hills Local Schools
- Address: 4035 W. Central Ave. Ottawa Hills, Ohio 43606
- Phone: 419 -536-6371
- Email: afineske@ohschools.org