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The aim of Ottawa Hills Junior/Senior High School is to graduate students equipped with enough academic preparedness, inner resources, and sensitivities to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world.An Ottawa Hills education surrounds students with an environment in which they recognize and develop their own particular potentials. The small size of our school allows for individualization of the program to best suit the abilities, interests, and goals of each student.

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Education was once able to prepare students for a predictable future. Today, the exponential growth of technology and change has necessitated a “curriculum of consideration.” Thus, a meaningful education requires and allows students to

  • think for themselves
  • be flexible
  • open-minded to experience
  • to consider “Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?”
  • understand their own motivations and the challenges within the context of contemporary culture.

In preparing and guiding students toward future aspirations, teachers and programs in our building present opportunities to acquaint them with their cultural and political heritage and open vistas into worlds with their limitless possibilities.

Concern for the total student involves a responsibility for the development of intellectual, social, and moral awareness as well as physical well-being.